Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ten Weeks

In the past few weeks the Özmay family has been living through many big changes, some good, and some...

The biggest good change is that we just celebrated Alara's second birthday! I can hardly believe that my little baby girl is TWO! and that she isn't a baby anymore!
We celebrated her birthday with gelato and our first gluten free cake...

Gluten free? You may be asking? Yes, that was another one of our changes, we need to become gluten free because Seyfi has been diagnosed with celiac disease. After months of feeling awful, it is great to finally know what has been making him so uncomfortable. The change to gluten free hasn't been easy, especially with Seyfi being in Izmir and me needing to send him packages of homemade bread, but we are managing and it really has been an adventure! To be honest, making the change to gluten free is coming at a good time, as I will soon be leaving my job, and becoming a house wife. thus having the time to play around with all sorts of yummy new recipes.

Leaving my job? You may be asking? As many of you know, we are moving the Belgium in ten weeks (more or less). Ten weeks isn't that long, but it isn't that short either. Getting ready to move is a bi undertaking, and we haven't even started yet! To be honest, the main reason we haven't started is because of Seyfi being in Izmir for three weeks. I'm not planning on started anything while he's away. The move to Belgium is really exciting, but leaving Turkey will be very hard. It has been my home for over the past eight years, and the thought of leaving makes me very sad, but we will return, and a little adventure never hurt anyone! Right?

So this is what this blog will be about, our lives (the Özmay family) as we get ready to, move to and adjust to our new life in Belgium; our adventures in the gluten free world of celiac disease, and of course the exciting happenings of our family. Hope you will enjoy reading our stories!


  1. Hi guys,

    We are sorry to hear that Seyfi has some health issues. I hope his diet will make him feel much better. It is hard to believe that it has been almost 2.5 years since we last saw each other. Congratulations Alara for being a big girl now:-)I hope Seyfi had the opportunity to finish his school. And you guys are going to Belgium!!! Great news:-) Seyfi deserved it for sure. We are really happy to hear great news about your family. Keep us posted.
    Note: Derin is 3 years old now. Laura just got her teaching certificate here. She is pretty happy with her life. I finished my course work. Working on a journal paper and book chapter related to my field. Hopefully, I will be done in two years. Take care. We love you.


  2. Hi Lori - This is a great idea - we are in Banff now, visiting Eric - we drove his truck out here - we stopped in to see Jaime, Kevin and Riley. Les brought Riley more pear sauce.

    Love, Les and Kim

  3. Thank you for the lovely comment! Happy 2nd Birthday to your little girl! Time flies right? I can't wait to read more about your big move, it sounds like a fantastic adventure!

  4. fantastic blog lori!! keep em coming!

    can you just use 4 cups of normal flour to make the Bazlama?

    p.s where are my recipes!!!!!

