Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In Istanbul

So, we are in Istanbul, doing a last tour and saying goodbye to Seyfi's sister.

If you've never been to Istanbul, you would never believe it. It's so big and crowded, yet there are little nooks, like the one in this picture, where it feels like time stands still.

This picture is my favourite place to visit in Istanbul, probably because I have wonderful memories of sitting and eating here with varies groups of friends and family talking history, literature, politics and life, but mote likely because it is never full of tourists.

There are lots of tourist places to see in Istanbul, and you can't visit the city without seeing them. However, after you've been in this country for as ling as I have, you get very tired of being treated as a tourist (it's not all that bad), and want to fit in with the locals.

Istanbul is a city of contrast, this morning we were driving and saw a man stop his car, get out and go the car behind him and punch the guy through the window, but then as our toll bridge pass card ran out, and we were blocked in, an man gave us his card, and showed us how to get where we were going. I love this about Istanbul.

I know that I would never want to live here, too big, too crowded, to noisy, but I love visiting.

Tomorrow we are doing a Bosphorus boat tour! I'm looking forward to doing that again!

Post From My iPhone

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